Religious Relations

A Scout is Reverent

Scouting America maintains that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God and, therefore, recognizes the religious element in the training of the member, but it is absolutely nonsectarian in its attitude toward that religious training. Its policy is that the home, in conjunction with the organization or group with which a member is connected, will give definite attention to religious life. Only persons willing to subscribe to this Declaration of Religious Principle and to the Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America shall be entitled to certificates of membership.

Although nonsectarian, the Scouting program is an available resource for religious organizations, schools, and community and civic groups to use in their programs for young people. Scouting is an educational program based on “duty to God” and designed to enhance:

  • A personal value system
  • Leadership skills
  • Citizenship responsibilities
  • Career awareness
  • Personal fitness

Click here for BSA National religious resources- Religious Observances & Civic Awards

  • Handbooks for Chaplains & Chaplain Aides
  • Scout Sabbath Services
  • Scout Sunday Observances

Scout Sunday

The Boy Scouts of America allows chartered organizations to celebrate Scout Sunday on any day in February that best serves the chartering partner. Some organizations choose the Sunday that falls before February 8 (Scouting Anniversary Day) as the date to recognize the contributions of young people and adults to Scouting. For others, Scout Sunday is celebrated on the second Sunday in February. It is permissible for a local church to celebrate on the day most acceptable to the pastor and congregation.

Click here for the BSA Scout Sunday site for support materials.

BSA Calendar of Religious Observances

There are certain holidays that individual Scouts and Scouters of different faiths celebrate each year. These holidays are not always on the same date on the calendar and may not be familiar to everyone. In order to respect the traditions of all Scouts and Scouters, care must be taken in scheduling Scouting activities.

The Boy Scouts of America has developed this religious holiday calendar for the use of local units, councils and others in scheduling Scout-related activities. It provides a brief description of each holiday, both in the overall list of holidays and following each month, and an indication of the significance of each as well. The calendar will be continuously updated to provide planners with a two-year holiday schedule.

Please remember that certain holidays begin on the night before the actual day of the holiday as shown on the calendar.

Click here for the latest BSA Calendar of Religious Observances

Religious Awards

Duty to God Brochure

Great Falls Council Religious Emblems Information

BSA Religious Emblems Program – National Site

BSA Frequently Asked Questions

Aaron on Scouting Article: A Scout’s Guide to earning and wearing a religious emblem

The religious awards program is maintained by P.R.A.Y (Programs of Religious Activities with Youth)

Click here for requirements & material for specific awards both youth & adult. PRAY

Catholic Committee on Scouting

The Buffalo Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting is a committee affiliated with the Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministry serving Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts USA within the 8 counties of Western New York.

The Committee is dedicated to promoting “Duty to God” at each level of Scouting. The purpose of the Buffalo Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting (the Committee) is to give guidance, vitality and leadership in the Spiritual phase of Scouting to all Catholic Scouts and Scouters in the Diocese of Buffalo.
The Committee endeavors to make the entire Scouting program available to increasing numbers of youth in Parish Units and Units operated by Catholic organizations.

Read past and present editions of the National Catholic Committee on Scouting’s newsletter: 

The Bridge


For a description of the various Catholic youth awards please view the following document: 

Catholic Religious Emblems

2024-2025 Catholic Committee on Scouting Dates | Download

Request an Eagle Congratulation Letter from Bishop Mike | Download

Nomination form for Bronze Pelican | Download

Nomination form for St George Emblem | Download

How to Purchase Religious Emblems | Download

Religious Activities

There are Five Series of Religious Activities and two International Activities, to which interested youth and adults will find fun and easy ways to learn more about their faith, Catholic role models and become more aware of the faith community and cultures around the world.

[ Click here for a single page listing of all current Religious Activities ]

Eligibility: All youth and adults—Scouts or non-Scouts, Catholic or non-Catholic, male or female—are welcome to participate in the Religious Activities provided by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting®. The Five Series of Religious Activities, include: Rosary Series, Marian Series, American Saint Series, Modern Saint Series and Faith Series. The International Activities include International Awareness and Blessed Are Merciful – Keep The Lamp Burning Activities. All of these activities may be used by groups, families, schools, or any Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venturer, Girl Scout, American Heritage Girl, or Campfire USA.

For more information on being a Religious Emblems Coordinator for your Pack, Troop or Crew please Contact:  Jim Smyczynski

Religious Emblems Coordinator Application | Download


Jewish Committee on Scouting

The mission of the National Jewish Committee on Scouting (NJCOS) is to prepare young Jews to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of Judaism as expressed in the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

Visit our local website to be kept up to date on upcoming events | Click

Like us on Facebook |

National Jewish Committee on Scouting»

For more information:

Committee Co-Chairs: Leah Romeo and Susan Beiter

Religious Emblems Coordinator for Jewish Awards: Leah Romeo 


Protestant Committee on Scouting

Major Duties of the Committee:

    1. To promote the Religious Awards Program administered by the various denominational institutions under the coordination of P.R.A.Y (Programs of Religious Activities with Youth) in conjunction with the National Scouting Movement.
    2. To furnish Protestant Scout Chaplains for the various Boy Scout Camps (long term) and Scouting events (short term camping and special occasions).
    3. To conduct religious conferences for the Boy Scouts and to act as an intermediary between the churches of Buffalo and the local Boy Scout Council.

Learn more about PRAY Emblems and Awards, and how to get started. »

PRAY Brochure & Frequently Asked Questions »

Unit Religious Emblem Coordinator Responsibilities | Download



Name Area Email Phone
Jim Smyczynski Council (716) 689-2804
Leah Romeo Council (716) 316-9463
Gerald Hodgson Council (716) 807-4221
Jim Smyczynski Voyageur (716) 689-2804
Susan Beiter Whitetail  
Jim Heinrich Whitetail (716) 866-1942
Sandy Gworek North Star (716) 239-7318
Katrina Overbeck North Star (716) 990-0988
Leah Romeo North Star (716) 316-9463
Vacant Great Trails Use Council Contact  
Vacant East Use Council Contact  
Vacant West Use Council Contact  
Bob Blatz Staff Advisor (716) 512-6215

Religious Relations Calendar

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