Peanut 2025 Scout Summer Camp Fundraiser
Brought to you by: Great Falls Council and Whitley’s Peanut Factory
Summer Camps are fast approaching, and most families are thinking about how to pay for summer camp. This program is designed to help any Scout who wants to go to camp to earn their way.
Highlights of the Fundraiser:
40% sale commission that can be applied to any Great Falls Council Cub Day Camp, Cub Adventure Camps, Scouts BSA Summer Camp, Birchbark or National Youth Leadership Training Course.
Key Dates:
February 7th – Sales Begin
March 14th – Orders Due : Online or paper form. Submit Unit order online here
April 11th – Pick Up
- Pick up at (choose your delivery location on your unit order form)
- Buffalo Service Center 2860 Genesee Street Buffalo, NY 14225
- Elmira Service Center 244 W. Water St. Elmira, NY 14901
- Oakfield Service Center 102 South Main St. Oakfield NY 14125
- Full Payment is due on or before Pick Up.
- Units will pay the total amount raised. Unit commissions will be placed into custodial accounts and Unit leaders can then request the funds be
applied to their final camp bills.
- Units will pay the total amount raised. Unit commissions will be placed into custodial accounts and Unit leaders can then request the funds be
- Pick up at (choose your delivery location on your unit order form)
How do we participate?
Request sales brochures for your Scouts at:
- Peanut Fundraiser Flier
- Peanut Sales Brochure
- Peanut Unit Order Form (Online submission coming soon)
Contact: Jess Bonham (716) 512-6217 (585) 993-5359
Key Popcorn Dates
Great Trails, North Star, Voyageur and Whitetail District Units
- 11/4/24 – Prize Orders due
- 11/15/24 – Take Order Distribution in Batavia & Buffalo
- 12/6/24 – All Popcorn Payments Due
East and Scenic Trails District Units
- 11/7/24 – Take Order Distribution
- 12/9/24 – All Popcorn Payments Due
- 12/31/24 – Prize Orders Due
Fund Your Adventure Spreadsheet
Scout Advancement Opportunities
How To Place Unit Show-n Sell Order (video)
Unit/Family Communication Template
2022 Popcorn Bingo (powerpoint game)
Popcorn Sale Family and Friends Worksheet
- Units that participate in Show & Sell increase their total sales an average of 25%
- Units that use Credit Card Readers in their sales increase by an average of 25%
- If every Scout and Scouter in the Council sold 7 Popcorn Items we would raise half a million dollars for local Scouting
Popcorn Selling Options
Take Order
A Scout goes door to door with a take order form with a parent or a buddy, the customer writes their order on the form, the Scout returns to deliver the product and collect payment in a few weeks. Remember always to say “thank you” to the person purchasing the popcorn.
The unit works as a team at a location(s) to show their products and to make immediate sales after getting permission to sell in front of a business, storefront, or other location.
Allows Scouts to sell online to family and friends. There is an online account available for each individual unit and/or for each individual Scout. Sales generated online qualifies toward Scout Rewards and scholarship credit.
**Note: All Popcorn & Prize Orders MUST be placed using the Online Ordering System**
Accepting Credit Cards
You and your Scouts can now accept credit cards!