
Every Scout Deserves a Trained Leader

If you had a magic wand, would you use it to make the Scouting program better and more fun for youth so they stayed in Scouting longer, so it had a larger impact on their lives? What if the same magic wand made leadership roles easier, more rewarding, and led to better retention among adult leaders? Would using that magic wand be a top priority?

Well, such a magic wand does exist—in the form of the learning programs for leaders in Scouting America.

Common sense tells us that training is important, and research shows the importance of trained leaders. A trained leader is knowledgeable and more confident in the role being performed. Trained leaders exhibit a knowledge and confidence that people around them pick up. Trained leaders impact the quality of programs, leader tenure, youth tenure, safety, and more. A trained leader is better prepared to make the Scouting program all it can be!

To get an overview of Scouting Training programs for youth and adults, visit the BSA’s Scouting Training site. For details on the Great Falls Council’s training programs scroll down or click the links below. 

Trained Patch

Once a Leader (Scouter) or a Scout (youth) has completed training for their position, they can wear the Trained patch on their uniform.

Leaders – Being fully trained means registering for and completing all components for the position patch. If you have multiple positions and shirts, you must be trained in the position reflected on the shirt.

Youth – Being considered fully trained as a youth, means having completed ITLST/C – Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops/Crews.

Position Trained Requirements

All Unit-level position-specific training (except outdoor components) can be completed online at or by the app available on Android and IOS. 

For help accessing training or your account please visit our Online Support Tools page.

Take Online Training (Position Specific)

    • Log into
    • Click on My Training (from the icon on the main page or under the menu)
    • On the left sidebar select Requirements
    • A new page will open and show any registered positions and the required training
    • Pick one and click on Take Course
      • Start and complete
      • Repeat as needed until all modules are done
      • The Trained patch shows next to the position name when all modules are complete

Take Online Training (Other courses)

    • Log into
    • Click on My Training (from the icon on the main page or under the menu)
    • Look for Training Courses by Program (1/2 way down the page)
    • Select the area that you want to take. Safety courses are under Expanded Learning
    • Find the one you want, select the Visit option
    • Select Enroll
    • Complete all modules

View your Training Record

    • Log into
    • Click on My Training (from the icon on the main page or under the menu)
    • Select Completions from the sidebar
    • Scroll or search the records

View & Print your Training Record

    • Log into
    • Click on My Training (from the icon on the main page or under the menu)
    • Select Completions from the sidebar
    • Scroll or search the records
    • Select the training you would like to print
    • A new option will appear in the grey bar above the list that reads “Certificate”
    • Clicking this displays a PDF of the certificate in a new browser window

Training Records or Out-of-Council Training

If you have completed training that does not show in your training record, please provide a copy of the training card to your District Training Chair. You will also need to do this for training taken in another Council. BSA National Training taken in this Council is entered into your record by the Council Training Committee. 


BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation)

Don’t miss the opportunity to take this fully energized two-day training session in Cub Scout Camping Training, BALOO.  Designed specifically so Cub Scout Packs can go camping on their own, it covers planning and conducting a successful Pack overnighter including ideas for outdoor activities & games, ceremonies, camp equipment, campfire programs, and even outdoor cooking. This includes an overnight and covers outdoor training for all Cub Scouts and Webelos.

Prior to taking BALOO there is an online portion that must be completed. That training can be accessed on your account.

This course is offered at Camp Gorton Camp Scouthaven and Camp Sam Wood. Please check the training calendar for upcoming courses.



ITOLS (Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills)

This hands-on program gives adult leaders the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the out-of-doors. Imagine having hands-on knowledge setting up a campsite, pitching a tent, hiking, outdoor cooking – all the skills necessary to see the outdoor program of the Scouting America come to life.

This training is a weekend-long training held at Camp Gorton, Camp Scouthaven, and Camp Sam Wood. Please check the Council training calendar for schedule dates.

Tent overnight camping is required.

ITOLS includes information on:

    • Campsite Selection
    • Fire Site Preparation & Building
    • Cooking
    • Plant Identification
    • Flag Ceremony
    • Leave No Trace
    • Interfaith Worship
    • Ropes – Whipping, Tying, & Lashing
    • First Aid
    • Woods Tools – Knife, Camp Saw, & Axe
    • Animal Identification
    • Finding Your Way – Map & Compass Reading
    • Packing & Hiking Techniques

This is the outdoor component required to be considered fully trained as a Scoutmaster & Assistant Scoutmaster. The position specific class can be taken either in-person or online at

University of Scouting

What is the University of Scouting?

The University of Scouting is an annual training event for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturing leaders. This one-day training conference is for leaders from the entire council and takes place in a festive atmosphere. Classes are taught by experienced volunteers who share not just their knowledge. but their passion for their subject.
Sessions cover many topics including help for new leaders, outdoor skills, advancement, creative activities, great ceremonies, Wood Badge, NYLT, dutch oven cooking, building youth leaders, administration, and more. It’s a time for experienced, new, and prospective leaders to share ideas and see what other troops, teams, crews, and packs are doing. The University of Scouting has something for everyone — and is a day well spent. Plan now to attend and bring your friends! 

Check the Council Training calendar for the next scheduled event.


NYLT –  National Youth Leadership Training

NYLT is a leadership course developed by Scouting America to enable Scouting youth to lead their units. NYLT uses the methods of Scouting to teach leadership skills. A week is spent in a youth-led environment that exemplifies the “best” that Scouting can be and is the vision that Baden-Powell intended. 

The NYLT course simulates a month in the life of a Troop in a six-day course (two weekends in the winter and 1 week in the summer). It reinforces and expands upon Be-Know-Do leadership. Scouts learn many leadership skills and concepts, including the stages of team development and how to match the most appropriate leadership style with the developmental stage of the individual or team. The course has many challenges, including the final activity, a quest for the meaning of leadership.

The NYLT course has Eight Key Elements

    • A Month in the Life of a Troop
    • Four Stages of Team Development
    • Leadership requires Vision, Goals, and Plans
    • Toolbox of Leadership Skills
    • Consistent Leadership Modeling
    • Scout Oath and Law
    • Fun!!

Check the Council Training calendar for the next scheduled course.

NAYLE – National Advanced Leadership Experience

National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience is an exciting program that enhances leadership skills and expands upon the team-building and ethical decision-making skills learned in National Youth Leadership Training. NAYLE emphasizes leadership, teamwork, and selfless service, using the core elements of NYLT to help youth strengthen these skills. The NAYLE course is now available at all four national high-adventure bases. The material presented is the same at all four venues but is specific to the unique environment of each site.

This course is only offered by Scouting America at Philmont and the Summit. For more information or to register please click the link for the National NAYLE site.

Wood Badge

Wood Badge is an advanced, national leadership course open only to Scouting volunteers and professionals. Scouters from Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouts, and Explorers, and district and council Scouters are welcome to participate.

Skills taught include:

    • Effective Listening
    • Managing conflict
    • Leading Change
    • Stages of Team Development
    • Leadership for Different Stages
    • Coaching & Mentoring
    • Servant Leadership
    • Project Planning
    • And more!

The course uses presentations, games, discussions, activities, and other methods to engage all learners and make it fun and accessible. 

For further information please access the National Web Site for current courses.

Click here for the current Training Calendar


Training Awards for Adult Leaders in Units/District

The training awards and keys are designed to recognize unit Scouters for tenure, training, and performance in their leadership roles. Progress record forms with the current requirements for these awards can be found at the links below.

Youth Training 

Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops/Crews (ITLST/C) is required for the Unit’s youth leaders. It can be offered by the Unit, District, or Council. The best way for ILST to be presented is in a troop by the Scoutmaster, previously trained Scouts, and other trained adult leaders. If conducted at the Unit level please ensure that the training is recorded in the training manager for the youth. ITLST/C is a pre-requisite for NYLT – National Youth Leadership Training.

Den Chief is training for any Scout serving as a Den Chief for a Cub Scout Pack. It includes an online module and an in-person module. It can be run by the Troop or Pack leadership and is offered at some Council events. If conducted at the Unit level please ensure that the training is recorded by the training manager.

Syllabi for both ITLST/C and Den Chief can be found on the BSA National Training page.

Click here for the Training Calendar for upcoming courses


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Council Training Chair Robert Reeves (716) 930-1821
Great Trails Training Chair Dan Cochrane (585) 880-7259
Great Trails Training Chair Victor Flanagan (585) 409-0639
Voyageur Training Chair Gary Hyla (716) 901-2220
North Star Training Chair Troy Hengst (716) 259-0200
Whitetail Training Chair Thomas Perison (770) 337-1366
Winding Rivers Training Chair Patty Becerril-Drapikowski (607) 543-0018
Scenic Trails Training Chair Judd Stearns (607) 587-8414
Council Staff Advisor Daniel Carpenter (607) 331-1193

Training Calendar

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