Friends of Scouting


Scouting is a high-quality, low-cost, effective youth program because of its unique funding structure, which combines a low annual fee with fundraising at the individual, unit, District, and Council levels. Over 25% of program funding comes from our annual Friends of Scouting campaign. This campaign enables individuals and corporations to directly support the programming that enriches the lives of hundreds of families throughout our community.  

Your tax-deductible gift supports Great Falls Council by providing:

  • Camperships for Camp Gorton, Camp Scouthaven and Camp Sam Wood summer programs
  • District-level youth activities such as Cub Scout Camp-o-Ree and Klondike Derby
  • Volunteer leadership training such as BALOO and ITOLS
  • Start-up funding for new units for basics such as flags and banners
  • Hiring professional staff to design and execute top-quality Scout programs
  • Administrative and promotional support for units
  • And so much more!

Donate today by using our online form.