













What is Exploring?

Exploring exists to teach important life and career skills to young people from all backgrounds through immersive career experiences and mentorship provided by community and business leaders like you. Together, we equip young people with character, leadership and life skills that can be used both today and in their future careers.


Exploring is based on a unique and dynamic relationship between youth and the organizations in their communities. Businesses and community organizations initiate a career-specific Exploring post or club by matching their people and organizational resources to the career interests of youth in the community. The result is a program of interactive activities that helps youth pursue their special interests, grow, and develop.


We work with thousands of local, regional, and national businesses and organizations to deliver the Exploring programs representing hundreds of different career fields.

Post or Club?

Exploring serves two different age groups, both coed. Exploring clubs serve middle schoolers, aged 10 – 14, in sixth through eighth grades. Exploring posts serve older youth 14 – 20 years old. The program model is the same for both age groups – hands-on and interactive character and career activities are facilitated by trained business leaders in your local community.


Why Exploring?



Exploring provides exciting activities and mentorship for youth looking to discover their future. Whether you’re a local organization looking to strengthen the community or a young person wanting to uncover the possibilities of your future, Exploring is a great place to start.

How does Exploring work?

Exploring Posts/Clubs:

Exploring is a unique career exploration program for young men and women ages 10 – 20. The program provides students with an opportunity to learn about a wide variety of career fields and network with professionals already working in those fields. You get hands-on experience to determine whether or not a particular career field is right for you. You develop valuable networking contacts with professionals working in your selected career fields, and you get to know other youth with your same interests and aspirations.

Exploring is the first step in identifying career possibilities while having fun in an exciting and informal environment.


  • Strong personal values and character development
  • Build self-worth and self-confidence
  • Leadership skills training and development
  • Social development
  • Unique career experiences, networking & internships
  • Personal growth
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Group collaboration and teamwork
  • Scholarships available only to Explorers
  • Add Exploring to your college, job and scholarship applications!

Most Exploring programs align with the school calendar and begin in the fall, while some also offer summer activities, annual conferences, internships and other events. Most meet once or twice a month throughout the year.

Learn more about our career-specific programs by visiting the Exploring National page. The following are examples of some of the most popular Exploring programs across the country:


Deliver character-building experiences and mentorship that allow youth to achieve their full potential in both life and work.


Shape the workforce of tomorrow by engaging and mentoring today’s youth in career and life-enhancing opportunities.

What do Explorers do?


Clubs/Posts meet several times each month during the school year, usually on a set night of the week. Each meeting typically includes activities that support the Club/Posts focus, planning for future events, time for socializing, and shared food. 

District and Council Events

Great Falls Council and its districts sponsor many activities during the year that all Explorers can participate in, such as:

  • Camporees – weekends where Crews can camp and share a common set of activities
  • Klondike Derby – Crews compete by pulling their sleds through a course and stopping to complete challenges along the way

Outings and Activities

Crews love to plan activities outside of regular meetings! They include trips to local museums and attractions, visiting companies or agencies, or religious activities. Outdoor adventures build character, citizenship, personal fitness, and leadership. Venturers learn to have fun safely outdoors, whether on the water, on foot, on vehicles, or at a campsite. Venturers are taught outdoor ethics via the Leave No Trace program, ensuring they can enjoy outdoor adventures with minimal impact on the environment, wildlife, and other visitors. Crews plan camping trips to parks, campgrounds, and even ski areas.

Community Service

A major part of Exploring is service to others. Explorers participate in large events such as the annual Scouting for Food campaign or smaller events such as cleaning up a park.  

Career Fields

Our 12 Career Exploring programs provide excellent hands-on experience for youth participating in the program. Check out what kind of activities you can host and how to host them.

High Adventure Bases

BSA operates four High Adventure sites that Venturers can visit with their Crew: Northern Tier in Minnesota, Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, Sea Base in Florida, and Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia. These are major undertakings in terms of time, planning, and fundraising, but provide a level of facilities and experiences that is one-of-a-kind. Locally we have our own Birchbark Adventures with 3 different trek locations available!


Compared with many other youth activities, Exploring is affordable for families! Financial assistance for membership dues is directly from Great Falls Council. Posts also hold fundraisers to defray costs associated with activities and trips. 

Annual dues for Exploring Youth/Adult are $100. Membership begins the month that fees are paid and continues for 12 calendar months. Other costs may include uniforms, event fees, and personal camping equipment. Many Explorers offer uniform swaps (if they use a uniform), have a stockpile of equipment, and cover fees through fundraising. Please note that any Exploring youth 18 – 20 years old must consent to a background check and take Youth Protection Training.

Money should never be a barrier to joining Exploring. If ever you find yourself in need, please contact the Club/Post you are interested in joining. There are several avenues of support. Many Clubs/Posts and their Chartering Organization have assistance plans in place. There are also aid opportunities available from our Council. These, too, are accessed through the Unit Leaders. All support requests are treated with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality. Welcome to the Scouting family. We are here to help!

Ask Post/Club leadership for information about making Exploring more affordable for your family or contact Great Falls Council at scouting@gfcscouting.org.

Family Rebate Program: When three or more members of a family register with the Great Falls Council, all registrants beyond the first 2 (the 3rd, 4th, 5th , etc.) will receive a $25.00 rebate (which is 50% of the local Council fee). All you have to do is apply! Apply at: Family Rebate

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