
Advancement is the process by which Scouts progress from rank to rank and promotes and encourages ongoing member involvement and commitment. The Advancement method provides a series of surmountable obstacles and steps to overcome them. Scouts plan their advancement and progress at their own pace as they meet each challenge. Scouts are recognized and rewarded for each achievement, which helps them gain self-confidence. The steps in the Advancement system help a Scout grow self-reliance and the ability to help others. It works best when it is built into a unit’s program so participation leads to meaningful achievement, recognition, and a continually improving readiness for more complex experiences.

Tracking Advancement

Tracking a Scouts (Cub, Scouts BSA, Venturing) is done in a variety of ways: 

    • Youth Handbook
    • Blue Cards
    • Scoutbook
    • Troop Master

No matter how your Unit tracks advancement, remember to enter it in Scoutbook Plus, to create the National BSA record. By recording advancement in IA you can:

    • Generate purchase reports
    • Ensure all requirements for advancement are met
    • Ensure Eagle Application prints properly
    • Allow Units to run advancement reports on individual Scouts

The easiest method for entering the information is to use the Scoutbook app provided to all Units and families as a part of your charter & registration fees. Scoutbook also has a parent app found on both Android & IOS.

Merit Badge Counselors

The merit badge counselor is a key player in the Scouting America advancement program. Whatever your area of expertise or interest—whether it is a special craft or hobby (basketry, leatherwork, coin collecting), a profession (veterinary medicine, aviation, engineering), or perhaps a life skill (cooking, personal management, communications)—as a merit badge counselor, you can play a vital role in stirring a young man’s curiosity about that particular topic. By serving as a merit badge counselor, you offer your time, knowledge, and other resources so that Scouts can explore a topic of interest.

Who can be a merit badge counselor?

To meet the basic requirements to serve as a Merit Badge counselor, you must be:

    • At least 18 years of age
    • Of good moral character
    • Have some education, background, expertise, or experience in the subject or subjects you choose to counsel
    • Have the ability and desire to work with Scouts from 12 to 17 years of age

As a merit badge counselor, your mission is to join fun with learning.  You are both a teacher and mentor to the Scout as they work on a merit badge and learn by doing.


    1.  Decide which badges you are qualified to counsel.
      1. Read all the requirements for any badge that may interest you, or that you are qualified to teach – through your education, experience, or knowledge.  Choose the ones that you would like to counsel from this link: National Merit Badge Listing & Requirements
      2. Check out what is involved in counseling at this link: Everything about being a Merit Badge Counselor
      3. The Boy Scouts of America has three expectations from a merit badge counselor:
        1. Complete the online merit badge counselor training within 1 year.  This training is especially helpful if you are new to Scouting.
        2. Respond to inquiries from Scouts seeking a merit badge counselor if you set up your preference as “Available”.  Inquiries are usually emails, so you must check the email address you provided every few days.
        3. Reply to the annual January email to confirm your merit badge counselor status.
    2. Complete and sign an Adult Application to register with your district.  Please use Position Code #42, Merit Badge Counselor.
      1. Adult Application, if you prefer an online application please contact your District Advancement Chair
      2. This application is available from your troop or Council office and needs only your signature on both the application and the Disclosure/Authorization Form.
      3. Note: If not already registered with the BSA, a $25 fee is required by the BSA to investigate the counselors background.  
    3. Complete the BSA Youth Protection Training from this link:
      1. Scouting America seeks to create a safe environment for young people and adult leaders to enjoy the program and related activities. BSA Youth Protection Training helps preserve that environment.
      2. After completing the training, print a copy in Adobe PDF format of your BSA Youth Protection Training completion certificate to create an electronic copy.
      3. You must have completed Youth Protection training within the past two years at the time of application.
      4. For creating an account in and taking YPT training see this link”
    4. If you reside in Pennsylvania you will need the Act 15 clearances: Click here for more info
    5. Complete/sign the BSA Merit Badge Counselor Information Form at this link: Merit Badge Counselor Information
      1. Please explain your qualifications to counsel the requested badges. Note: you can choose which Scouts you wish to advise on the form but will repeat this through your Scoutbook merit badge counselor account.
      2. There are specific requirements for counselors who counsel certain merit badges:
        • Range and Target Activities (Archery, Rifle Shooting, Shotgun Shooting)
        • Aquatics (Canoeing, Kayaking, Lifesaving, Motor Boating, Rowing, Scuba Diving, Small Boat Sailing, Swimming, Water Sports, Whitewater),
        • Other (Citizenship in Society, Climbing, Snow Sports) 
        • Applicants must attach copies of licenses or certifications to support their knowledge/training.  Details on specific qualifications/certificates can be found in the 2025 Guide to Advancement, Section 
      3. There is a maximum of 20 merit badges per counselor in Great Falls Council.
    6. Return all your applicable forms only to the Council Offices.
      1. Once the forms are received , adult application is processed and merit badge application is forwarded to the Council Advancement Committee  for review and approval.  A common error is the failure to list the applicant’s qualifications to counsel each particular merit badge.  This is a critical factor in the application.  Please take the time to list your detailed qualifications on this form or an additional sheet, as the form has very limited space.  You will be contacted directly should there be any questions or missing data.
      2. New Merit Badge counselors may not begin working with Scouts until approval is received, Counselors will receive confirmation by email.  You may begin counseling after you have been notified.
      3. As your acceptance, you will receive an email from Scoutbook asking you to create an account.  You must use the same name and password with Scoutbook that you used with to take your YPT training.  You will then be asked to fill out your preferences.  You should then set up your profile in Scoutbook.  Instructions can be found at this link:

Merit Badge Counselor Training

This training is required within the first year for all counselors: Directions for taking Merit Badge Counselor Training through




Board of Review

A periodic review of the progress of a Scout is vital for the effectiveness of the Scouting program in the unit. The unit committee can judge how well the Scout being reviewed benefits from the program. The unit leader can measure the effectiveness of his or her leadership. Scouts can sense that they are, or are not, advancing properly and can be encouraged to make the most of their Scouting experience.

Not only is it important to review those Scouts who have learned and been tested for a rank, but also to review those Scouts who have shown no progress in their advancement over the past few months.

Participants in a Board of Review must keep these objectives in mind:

    • Ensure the Scout has completed the requirements for the rank.
    • Evaluate the experience the Scout is having in the unit.
    • Encourage the Scout to progress further.

When is a board of review required?

Cub Scouts: Boards of review are not required at any level.

Scouts BSA: Board of review required for every rank from Tenderfoot to Eagle Scout. (See rank requirements here.)

Venturing: Board of review required for Discovery, Pathfinder, and Summit awards. (See a Venturing board of review guide here).

Sea Scouts: Bridge of review is required for all ranks. (Learn more here)

Eagle Scout Information

Eagle Scout is the highest advancement rank in Boy Scouting. In 2012, the centennial year of the Eagle Scout Award, 57,976 Scouts earned the Eagle Scout rank— more than in any previous year. From 1912 to 2012, more than 2 million Scouts earned the Eagle Scout rank.

If you would like to get started on your Eagle Scout Award, start here: 

    • Great Falls Council Eagle Process

The Steps from Life to Eagle: Steps 1-5 must be done on or before your 18th birthday.

        1. Complete all Eagle Rank requirements.
        2. Complete and gain approval for your Eagle Project Proposal using Workbook with needed signatures.
        3. Complete Eagle Project and complete the Project Workbook with needed signatures.
        4. Complete the Eagle Rank application. This can also be generated inside of Scoutbook
          1. Log into Scoutbook
          2. Goto the Scout
          3. Click on Reports
          4. Select Eagle Application
        5. Get the needed signatures on the application. Scouting America LOCAL COUNCIL VERIFICATION is not needed before your 18th birthday.
        6. Write your Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose
        7. Contact the References on your application. (See “Eagle Scout Reference” process)
        8. Have Eagle Application Verified (see “Eagle Scout Application Verification” process).
        9. The Completed Verified Eagle Application will be emailed to the District Advancement Chair and to the Unit Representative who dropped or emailed the request (original applications will stay with the Council).  
        10. Once your Letters of Reference are received you can schedule a date for the Eagle Board of Review with the District.
        11. Complete Eagle Board of Review.  Eagle App is signed and given to the Committee Chair/Adv Chair
        12. Committee Chair/Adv Chair delivers or emails signed Application to any Council office.
        13. Council Executive signs Application and forwards to National
        14. Eagle Credentials arrive at the Local Council and the troop is notified.
        15. You can plan your Eagle Scout Awards Ceremony

You can earn Eagle Scout Palms after you have earned your Eagle Scout Award. Here’s where to get started:

Additional Eagle Scout resources and information:

If you would like additional information or if you have questions, please contact the Scout Service Center.

Eagle Scout Projects

Eagle Scout Projects are the culminating event for a Scout who is trying to achieve the highest rank in the Scouting program.  Donations of time, talent, materials, and resources are always needed.  The Eagle Project is generally completed in the area where the scout lives and is active and local resources are always appreciated.


Eagle Scout projects are evaluated primarily on impact—the extent of benefit to the religious institution, school, or community, and on the leadership provided by the candidate. The Scout must provide evidence of planning and development.

The Eagle Project must be helpful to any religious institution, school, or community.  Projects may not be commercial or for a business but could benefit museums, various service agencies, homes for the elderly, or a public park. The test is whether the project primarily benefits the community, not business profits.

Routine labor is not normally appropriate for a project. This might be defined as a job or service you may provide as part of your daily life, or a routine maintenance job normally done by the beneficiary.  For example, pulling weeds on a school football field is not appropriate.

A project may not be a fundraiser. In other words, it may not be an effort that primarily collects money, even for a worthy charity.

The Five Tests of an Acceptable Eagle Scout Service Project:

      1. The project provides sufficient opportunity to meet the Eagle requirements.
      2. The project appears to be feasible.
      3. Safety issues will be addressed.
      4. Action steps for further detailed planning are included.
      5. The Scout is on the right track with a reasonable chance for a positive experience.


Please email a PDF/Digital Copy of the Eagle Service Project Workbook (only the Project proposal sections is required) with Signed Proposal Page E to your District Advancement Contacts with the following information:

      • Scout Name
      • Troop Number
      • Scout’s Date of Birth
      • Troop Advancement Chair/Eagle Coordinator (Coach) Contact Information for Two Deep Leadership communication.  If email is being sent by a Youth, please copy your Scoutmaster/Advancement Chair/Unit Eagle Coordinator (Coach)

Troops can expect a response within 14 Business Days.  If you haven’t received a response in 14 Days, please email your District Advancement Chair and District Professional.  You need to be aware that the process takes time and this needs to be taken into consideration.  The proposal may require additional information or a meeting before it is approved.  This will be communicated to the Youth & Advancement Chair/Unit Eagle Coordinator (Coach).

Proposal needs to Meet the Five Tests of an Acceptable Eagle Scout Service Project:

Proposal must be prepared first. It is an overview, but also the beginnings of planning. It must show your unit leader, unit committee, and council or district that your project can meet the following tests.

1. It provides sufficient opportunity to meet the Eagle Scout service project requirement. Must show that planning, development, and leadership will take place; and how the three factors will benefit a religious institution, a school, or your community.

2. It appears to be feasible. Must show the project is realistic for you to carry out.

3. Safety issues will be addressed. Must show an understanding of what must be done to guard against injury, and what will be done if someone gets hurt.

4. Action steps for further detailed planning are included. Must make a list of the key steps you will take to make sure your plan will have enough details, so it can be carried out successfully.

5. You are on the right track with a reasonable chance for a positive experience.

When completing proposal, it only needs enough detail to show the reviewer that It can meet the tests above. If showing that it meets the tests requires a lengthy and complicated proposal, the project might be more complex than necessary. Remember, the proposal is only the beginnings of planning. Most of the planning will come with the next step, preparation of the project plan.

Proposals should be reviewed and signed by the Scout, Scoutmaster, Committee (Chair), and Beneficiary before submitting for approval.

If you have any questions concerning this process, please contact your District Advancement Chair/Professional.

Eagle Scout Application Verification Process

Eagle Scout applications can be submitted in-person at our Buffalo, Elmira or Oakfield Offices during normal weekday business hours or by email at Turn-around time can take up to 10 business days (please plan accordingly).

Eagle Scout Application Verification Requirements

The following can be Drop off, or Emailed:

1. Eagle Application (June 2022 version or later), properly signed and dated

2. Project Workbook Proposal signature page with 5 signatures (Proposal Page H)

      • If signatures are collected on multiple digital pages, make sure the Scout’s name and signature are on each page.

3. Project Workbook Report signature page with 3 signatures (Project Report Page C)

      • If signatures are collected on multiple digital pages, make sure the Scout’s name and signature are on each page.

4. Statement of Ambitions and Life purpose

5. Email Applications should be Scanned into a file (photos from phone are not acceptable).

The Completed Verified Eagle Application will be emailed to the District Advancement Chair and to the Unit Representative who dropped or emailed the request (original applications will stay with the council).  

The Eagle Board should be scheduled only after the Application has been Verified and Eagle References have been received.

Eagle Application Verification Check Sheet | Download

Eagle Scout Reference Process

Under requirement 2 on the Eagle Scout Rank Application. Our Council advancement committee designates the District Advancement Chairs to secure recommendations from the references appearing under requirement 2. Our Council asks that the Scout or Unit give a Link to those listed. Those asked will go online to complete a form that is private and confidential.

The Troop (Crew) Committee will no longer oversee collecting Reference Recommendations for the Eagle Candidate. We are asking that a Link be provided to those listed on the Eagle Application. Those listed on the application will then go online and complete the reference recommendation for the Scout. Once completed the reference recommendation will be forwarded to the District Eagle Advancement Chairperson/or District Eagle Coordinator. When he/she has received enough of the Eagle references, the Scout will be able to schedule an Eagle Board of Review. This process was changed to ensure the integrity of the recommendation.

The links to the Eagle Reference Recommendation request are:

CLICK HERE for sample template of email to send requesting recommendation.  

Scouts may assist with this, but that is the limit of their participation. Scouts are not responsible for follow-through or any other aspect of the process. It is up to the council’s designated representatives to collect the responses. If after a reasonably diligent effort no response can be obtained from any references, the board of review must go on without them. It must not be postponed or denied for this reason, and the Scout shall not be asked to submit additional references or to provide replacements.

Completed reference responses of any kind are the property of the council and are confidential, and only review-board members and those officials with a specific need may see them. The responses are not to be viewed by or returned to the Scout. Doing so could discourage the submission of negative information. For the same reason, those providing references do not have the option of giving the reference directly to the Scout and shall not be given the option of waiving confidentiality. Once a review has been held, or an appeal process conducted, responses shall be returned to the council, where they will be destroyed after the Eagle Scout credentials are released or the appeal is concluded.

In Scouts BSA, advancement references are required only for Eagle Scout rank. The council determines methods of contact.

Eagle Scout Extensions

A Scout, parent or guardian, unit leader, or unit committee member may use this form to petition for an extension of time to earn the Eagle Rank. Before completion, please refer to the Guide to Advancement, “Time Extensions,”, and “Process for Requesting and Reviewing a Time Extension,”, and additional instructions on the reverse side. Click here for the Application


Header 1 Header 2 Header 3  
Council Advancement Co-Chair Mark Oetinger (716) 777-2336
Council Advancement Co-Chair Kevin Volk (585) 409-6836
Vice Chair for Cub Scout Advancement Bobby Galeza (716) 316-2913
Staff Advisor Karl Ziegenfus (607) 743-6899
Great Trails Advancement Co-Chair Dan Cochrane (585) 880-7259
Great Trails Advancement Co-Chair Rick Volk (585) 409-6835
North Star Advancement Co-Chair John Maier (716) 474-0460
North Star Advancement Co-Chair Mark Oetinger (716) 777-2336
Voyageur Advancement Chair Chris Czesak (interim) (716) 208-1161
Whitetail Advancement Chair Dave Talarico (716) 573-7276
Winding Rivers Advancement Chair Constance Cummings (814) 367-8093
Winding Rivers Eagle Co-Chair Keith Klug (810) 300-4104
Winding Rivers Eagle Co-Chair Greg Hughey (607) 738-7065
Scenic Trails Advancement Chair Constance Cummings (814) 367-8093
Scenic Trails Eagle Chair Peter Reif (607) 346-1821

Advancement News Newsletter Archive

Advancement Resources Page – Scouts, BSA & Venturing Advancement Resources

Eagle Scout Rank Application

Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook

Cub Scout Advancement Trail

Cub Scout Adventures

Cub Scout Adventure Requirements Side-by-Side Ranks

Educational Presentations

Guide to Advancement

Merit Badge Counselor Information

On Increasing Advancement

Scouts BSA Advancement and Awards

Venturing Advancement

Sea Scouts Advancement

Quick Links